About George Hill
On the 11th of November 2019, we are proud to have celebrated the 100th anniversary of George Hill Timber. Our business has grown from strength to strength over the past 10 decades - driven by four generations of the Hill family.
We’re incredibly proud to share the commitments, passions, and values our founder and great-grandfather had on day one.
Our technologies, product range, and location may have changed over the last 105 years. But our ethos hasn’t.
“To strive for the ultimate in service and satisfaction for its customers.”

1919: Where we began
George Hill, a Saddleworth farmer, became inspired by the American timber industry during his travels in the early 1900s. So much so, he established his own timber business back home in Oldham.
George Hill Timber was founded on the 11th November 1919 - exactly one year after WW1 ended.
With the help of his son Wilfred and his brother Roland, George set up premises in converted cottages on Water Street, Oldham. His younger son, George Frank, joined the business three years later.

The 30s and 40s
Despite two world wars and the economic depression, George Hill Limited was thriving. A need for better housing gave rise to a huge demand for timber.
Soon, the business expanded to larger premises on Lady Street purchasing the adjacent land on Lord Street not long after.

George Hill passed away in 1948, leaving the business to his sons. Wilfred and George Frank took over with the same dedication to quality and service as their father. Together, they ran the business for the next 50 years - sharing the company ethos and their expertise with their own children.

Four decades of success had established George Hill Timber as a supplier of quality timber. And business was still growing - soon outgrowing our town-centre premises. In 1960, the brothers bought and relocated to the five-acre Scottfield Mill site.
It was ideal for the business. And it’s been our home ever since.

The 70s and 80s
We didn’t stop there. Over the next 25 years, George Hill Timber expanded further across the North West - opening branches in Sale (1975) and Bolton (1982).
The product range developed as quickly as the sites did. While quality timber has always been at our core, George Hill began to offer a wider variety of construction supplies. That included a more extensive selection of building products including bricks, cement and concrete along with a range of hardware, tools, and accessories.

George Hill Timber grew again in 2002, with a new branch opening in Nelson.
The third George Hill took over the business in the 1990s, following his father's and uncle's retirement. He sadly passed away in 2014, leaving the company to his own children - the great-grandchildren of our founder.

Today the business is run by Jayne Hill, her husband Andy and her brother Will. We're incredibly proud to boast the same quality, ethos, and expertise as our great-grandfather 100 years ago.
Our goal is to offer the best quality products and provide customers with the best quality service.
We source and stock the highest quality FSC certified timber alongside a wide variety of sheet materials and building materials.
Our staff are always on hand to answer any questions and offer advice with expertise passed down through the generations.
The ethos and traditions were set down by George Hill in 1919. He believed the little things made the biggest difference. So we make sure every product on our stock list is actually in stock - customers aren't left waiting. We also provide free customer parking and free local delivery on any items too large to carry.
The fourth generation of the Hill family are just as committed as their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were. It means George Hill Timber will continue to provide the ultimate in service and satisfaction - for the next 100 years.